Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Tempus Fugit

TEMPUS FUGIT... is why its been a long long time. 

I always used to wonder "What the hay does tempus fugit mean, anywho?"  The only Latin I'd ever learned was either in the various choral groups I used to sing with (*"O fortuna velut luna statu variabilis..." from Orff's Carmina Burana, for example), or in figure drawing class, where we had to learn the latin names of all the muscles and bones.  Why we had to know the 
and the 
latissimus dorsi
on a personal level in order to DRAW, is somewhat a mystery to me.
(And WHY I still REMEMBER their names is an even BIGGER mystery!?)  
But I digress... and meanwhile, tempus fugit

I'd never really thought about tempus fugit, other than wonder why those words appear on just about every big o' grandfather clock in the ENTIRE universe!

Then I found out.


Tempus fugit... and we FINALLY got the shop De-Christmas-ed and De-Valentine-ed and the front window sufficiently greened up for St. Paddy's Day (if only the snow would all disappear!)  
At least this year we'll have more than a week between St. Patrick's Day and Easter!  
Last year, I hardly knew what to do for window displays, since both holidays were only a week apart.
Baskets of eggs painted with shamrocks and bunnies toting shillelaghs didn't really cut it.  Looked kinda like the shop did when we had both the Christmas and Valentine stuff... confusing, to say the least. 
But this year, no problem... almost a month between holidays.  Whew!  
But tempus fugit.

Now that we've got that all taken care of, its time to plan a beading class or two.  

The Gurlz over at 
(be sure to ck out their swell blog!) 
want us to come do a Beadyize class for their customers next month.  So I've been putting together samples... making up kits, cause that will be faster and easier than having everyone spend time selecting what beads they want for their project.  
That would take too long.  That would leave no time for actual beading.

Cause after all... tempus fugit!  
And March will be here before we know it! 

Photos coming soon... stay tuned, O fortuna!  

*O fortuna... (sounds like the cats dreaming of what they'd do for a really good meal. "Oh, for TUNA, I'd catch a hundred mousies or stay off the sofa for an entire day!"  Yeah, right!) 

*O fortuna velut luna statu variabilis = O fortune, like the moon you are changeable....
Ain't it the truth!  Ain't it the truth!



  1. Oh girls....! You know we are sooooo looking forward to this wonderful class! Love the post - "Tempus Fugit" Indeed! Someone needs to take the battery out of the clock somedays!!
    Have a great weekend!

  2. Your class sounds like fun! Hope everyone has a good time and that tempus doesn't fugit too quickly.
